My point of view
I've always liked to write and I've always been better at expressing my thoughts in writing than through oral speech.
The topics that interest me the most are morality and ethics, politics & geopolitics, justice and human rights, press freedom. Through writing about important issues and events, I'm trying to understand the reality I live in and hopefully question my own biases and perspectives on it. The below are some pieces I've written as part of a short volunteering with the UN, as well as during my Master's and after I graduated.
Incremental change is still better than no change at all.
This is an article I wrote for a local Nigerian publication on women's rights called The Moment for Women. It was featured in their Dec 2020 issue and is essentially an interview that I conducted with Kvinna till Kvinna, one of the largest international women rights organisations on gender-based violence.
The things they don't teach you in design/art school.
In 2020, I researched the value of formal (design) education. I interviewed 13 design practitioners about their experience with formal training and how it aided/didn't aid their professional development.
Business ethics in the context of global justice.
This is an article I wrote for a course on Globalisation and Global Justice which I took as part of my Master's degree education in 2019.
The power of power.
Another article I wrote for The Moment for Women. It is an overview of the progress made on promoting women's rights with a focus on the Nigerian socio-political context. The piece was published in The Moment for Women magazine in Nigeria.
Designing down the rabbit hole.
This piece is originally published in The Startup, one of Medium's publications. Here I'm publishing its recently revised version. In the article, I provide a critical examination of design ethics.
The ethics of business in the context of global justice.
This is an article I wrote for a course on Globalisation and Global Justice which I took as part of my Master's degree education in 2019.
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About me
I am an editorial designer based in Bulgaria. I love animals, especially cats, tattoos, and almost anything black and white. When I'm not designing, I read, write, drive, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, and talk to people about random and not so random stuff.
My mission
I'm on a mission to help truly independent journalism get to people in a comprehensive and visually-appealing format, so that they can form their opinions freely and make decisions based on honest and truthful reporting.
What is editorial design?
Simply put, editorial design is the design of magazines, newspapers, books, and other media publications, be it print or digital. In other words, it's the visual representation of journalism and information intended for public use.
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